During the COVID-19 Virus pandemic, Ausco’s management will continue to protect the health and safety of our employees and ensure an uninterrupted supply of our products to our customers. We would like to share information about some of the precautionary measures we have taken at Ausco to enable us to perform to the highest standards during this unpredictable time:
• Our Leadership Team continues to meet regularly to discuss the current state of the COVID-19 Virus.
• We will maintain communications with our employees informing them of the situation.
• We will educate employees on COVID-19, how it spreads, how to recognize symptoms and the best way to stop spreading the virus.
• We have implemented a practice that touchable and horizontal surfaces such as doorknobs and keyboards, as well as common areas, are being sprayed with Lysol and wiped down several times per day.
• We are limiting the number of visitors to the facility. Visitors are being asked to complete a Coronavirus questionnaire and provide a copy of their driver’s license. Members of management will review the questionnaire before visitors will be allowed into the building.
• We have provided hand sanitizers, gloves and face masks throughout the facility to be available for our employee’s use.
• All non-urgent business travel has been suspended and any future travel requires the approval of Senior Management and Human Resources.
• Any team member, who travels on his/her own, to a high-risk area or travels on a cruise ship will be requested to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days beginning with the day they return to the United States.
• We are currently identifying those employees who can work remotely to ensure uninterrupted support of our operations.
• An off-site IT services company has been contracted to remotely configure company laptops or home computers for remote access. Additionally, we have increased our remote access switches to increase the number of remote connections.
We want to thank you for your continued support and confidence in your supply chain needs. We will continue to monitor the situation and be diligent with our communication to our employees, suppliers and customers.
Ken Bram